Map: Number of Retail Stores by State

The National Retail Federation has put together an interesting map showing number of the retail stores, sales and jobs by state. For example, did you know that Utah has 23,249 employees in grocery and liquor stores? Well, now you do.

7 Responses to “Map: Number of Retail Stores by State”

  1. 1 Jmensch June 4, 2009 at 9:34 am

    23,249 represents the number of people working in grocery and liquor stores, not the number of grocery and liquor stores!

  2. 3 Jim Spittler June 4, 2009 at 9:39 am

    What is the effective date of these statistics? If it is seveal months old is there any indication as to how many of these jobs have been lost since that date. If it is current, how many retail sector jobs have been lost in the past year?

    Jim Spittler

  3. 4 Kerry Adams June 4, 2009 at 9:58 am

    Fun with maps….hmmmm.

    Well, for starters: how about instead of Congressional District, use something we all know off-hand like zipcode or county.

    As far as thematically coloring the states: how about a legend.

    The pie chart and it colors: many of us cant tell the specific color on the legend and line it up with the pie chart (mild color blindness, plus others w/o color perception problems couldn’t tell either. So, start the pie at due north (straight up) and make sure the categories circulate clockwise so we can at least count around the clock to the categories we’re interested in.

    Maybe then we’ll call it fun.

    nice try though.

  4. 5 urbanexus June 4, 2009 at 10:50 am

    You can figure out Congressional districts for zip codes by going to .

  5. 6 Broker June 4, 2009 at 11:42 am

    It is probably done by congressional district because it is a lobbying organization. The conversation probably starts off, “hey Mr/Ms Congressperson- 23,249 people will vote against you if you don’t vote for this, and forget the campaign cash too.”

  6. 7 Todd June 7, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Very interesting info. Im very to see the increase/decrease stats over teh lst few years for each state.

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